Cook, part-time janitor, store clerk, stock boy, and gator wrangler—Remy Dixon is a swampland jack-of-all-trades. Too bad there’s not much fame or fortune in diapering chickens and stocking shelves with the latest gator chomp. Usually located behind the Fun ‘N Fuel Depot at Chief Roadside’s Wonderland, Remy Dixon also flips burgers at Hungry Chief’s diner. Born and raised in Cypress Knee, he’s been a decent background source for reporter Jack Bellet from time to time.

Remy Dixon fancies himself a Cajun and loves sharing little bits of trivia with complete strangers. From film trivia to questionable science and everything between, he’s always at the ready with a quirky factoid.
He supplements his income selling marijuana (and occasionally more exotic narcotics) to friends, neighbors, and travelers just passing through on their way to the next town. He’s got a sometimes annoying habit of referring to himself in third-person.
Meet Remy Dixon in Knee Deep, Act 1: Wonderland available for Windows PC/Mac/Linux on Steam and Humble Store.