New Twitch streaming schedule

By January 20, 2015 Twitch No Comments

When we launched our Twitch channel last year, game development streaming was just coming into vogue. We thought it might be worthwhile streaming work on Knee Deep to provide insight into the workings of a small adventure game studio. Indeed, we’re seeing rising interest on Twitch and things have progressed to a point where we feel comfortable expanding with two new shows: GameDev: Animation and Monday Adventures.

twitch_scheduleMonday Adventures is a way of sharing our love of adventure gaming. Every Monday, we take to Twitch and play our favorite adventure games. We just wrapped our second show yesterday featuring The Wolf Among Us. We’ll be featuring other games in the future and certainly are open to suggestions–let us know if you have a game for us to play.

In addition to exploring the genre by playing and discussing adventure games, we want to provide a closer look at what it takes to make an adventure game. Our  new Wednesday stream spotlighting animation accomplishes this goal. Animator Emanuel Siu kicked off the stream last week with two hours of insight into animation workflow and his creative process for Knee Deep.

Cory Farris continues streaming his fantastic work on environment art Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoon. Cory’s work has been drawing the attention of other game developers, helping grow our humble channel with new fans. It’s only because we’ve received such a positive response to Cory’s art stream that we’re expanding with these new shows.

Looking to the months ahead, we have plans to leverage Twitch including live demos of Knee Deep, town hall-style discussions about the game, and perhaps even live event coverage. Follow us at to stay in the loop as to events, demos, and to be notified when shows are on. We’ll see you on the stream!

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