Holy moley it’s been a whole year since Prologue Games was started! It simultaneously feels like I just started and I’ve been doing this forever. In the past year I’ve gone from freelance contracting while trying to figure out a game to finding a story to finding funding and finally building the team to make Knee Deep a reality!
I’m so thankful to everyone who’s helped me make it through the past year.
To the collaborators, advisors, and team members – you been a constant source of inspiration and energy. There is nothing quite like sharing a creative and collaborative journey with other talented folks and you continually renew my passion for building something new and amazing.
To my friends – thank you for putting up with my incessant babbling about this game with all it’s highs and lows. You help keep me balanced and leaning into what can sometimes feel like an insurmountable task.
And to my family – you are amazing. Thank you for loving and supporting me every day. Your encouragement, excitement, and unwavering support are foundation and comfort that I could not do without.
So here’s to an awesome year. It has been an exciting, sometimes surprising journey and we’re just getting started!